There has been no significant change in the life of Kevin, with his boring monotonous routine, pretty normal family, and continuously falling apart relationships, until he finds out about an abnormal psychological trait in himself ‘Existential Crisis’.
Hop on into the rollercoaster of his life’s journey when he finds out he can be a successful Stand-up Comedian and a Rapper.
Meet the lame loader next door, The Unproposed Guy, a storyteller by heart, guy’s best friend, and girl’s worst nightmare. The funniest guy in the city when he’s an introvert and the creepiest when he tries to be an extrovert.
Will he ever find a girl of his dream or will he end up solo traveling forever? Will he become a successful Stand-up Comedian or will he be mocked by his friends & family?
This Book, The Unproposed Guy, is a homogeneous mixture of Passion, Determination, Love, Stand-up Comedy, Existential Crisis, and a lot of Sarcasm.