What exactly is comedy? The skill of entertaining people’s smiles and making them gag is known as a comedy – Stephen Martin.

Comedy is a creative genre that comprises talks or performances designed to be hilarious or amusing through producing laughter, particularly in theatre, film, stand-up comedy, television, radio, novels, or any other kind of entertainment. The best way to improve at stand-up comedy is to get on stage and perform – and the 2nd most acceptable way is to watch or listen to various artists perform. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Learning how to write humor, create a persona, practice, and understand why people may help you add direction to your sets and evolve into a more intelligent and accomplished comic. Here are few humor books that can make your day an entertaining one while giving you the best laughs!

The Unproposed Guy by Bhavik Sarkhedi and Suhana Bhambhani

Kevin’s life hasn’t changed much—a tedious routine, an unremarkable family, and failed relationships—until he discovers he’s going through something unusual: ‘Existential Crisis.’

The Unproposed Guy is a one-of-a-kind amalgamation of desire, perseverance, love, stand-up humor, existential crises, and plenty of snark! The book is a superb read for people in their 20s, especially who are single. The book talks about how to follow your passion through self-motivation.

Born Standing Up’ By Steve Martin

Every stand-up comedian should read a decent stand-up comedy memoir, and one of the best is Born Standing Up by comic superstar Steve Martin. Even if you don’t like his sense of humor, the story of his journey, his insights regarding performances, and his perseverance are worth reading.

Comedian Gone Wrong by Jimmy Tudeski

Jimmy Tudeski has been writing some of the most contentious fictional comedies for years, but who is he? He’s a writer, has worked with some of the UK’s most significant comedians, ghostwritten many books for others, and has yet to become a renowned stand-up comedian.

Everything will be exposed in this one-time publication, him hiding within the pages of a book because he’s too afraid to step up on stage and speak anything out loud. A memoir of philosophical ideas, passionate rants, and things that perplex him daily, leading him to fear he is unworthy of your laughs. Only available in paperback (with images inside), Jimmy discusses his writing profession, a caravan, and even astrology, randomly discussing everything a stand-up comic would discuss in one of their sell-outs shows. The question is, why is Jimmy seen as a failed comedian? Prepare for some of his lunacy, never before seen in one of his novels.

The Hidden Tools of Comedy: The Serious Business of Being Funny by Steve Kaplan

While other books offer advice on how to “write funny,” this book provides a paradigm change in comprehending the dynamics and aesthetics of comedy and the tried-and-true methods that help writers translate that insight into creative, marketable scripts. The Hidden Tools of Comic reveals the unique secrets and practices of comedy writing. Kaplan deconstructs popular film and television sequences.

The Naked Jape: Uncovering the Hidden World of Jokes by Jimmy Carr and Lucy Greeves

Is human the only animal capable of laughing? Why are clowns so frightening? Do jokes improve children’s intelligence? Are guys more amusing than women? Can God laugh at himself? What’s brown and gooey? Top comedian Jimmy Carr and fellow joke-lover Lucy Greeves explore the bizarre and beautiful world of jokes to discover what is and isn’t amusing. The Naked Jape is a tutorial in joke-making and a great laugh, with almost 400 of the most acceptable jokes ever.

The Code of the Wooster’s: P.G. Wodehouse

Take Gussie Fink-Nottle, Madeline Bassett, old Pop Bassett, the dishonest Stiffy Byng, the Rev., an 18th-century cow-creamer. A small brown leather-covered journal, plus a dose of the ancient aunt Dahlia, and you have a deadly concoction that promises problems for Bertie and Jeeves.
Wodehouse is best known today for his Jeeves and Blandings Castle novels and short tales, but he was also a gifted dramatist and lyricist who co-wrote fifteen plays and wrote 250 lyrics for thirty musical comedies.

Bossypants by Tina Fey

Tina Fey was a young girl with a dream before Liz Lemon, before “Weekend Update,” before “Sarah Palin”: a recurring stress scenario in which she was chased through a small airport by her middle-school gym teacher. She also fantasized about being a television comedian. Both of her dreams have come true. From her days as a spiteful nerd to her stint on Saturday Night Live; from her passionately halfhearted quest for physical beauty to her life as a mother eating food off the floor; from her one-sided college romance to her nearly deadly honeymoon—from the start of this paragraph to the end.

Comedy Writing Secrets: The Best-Selling Book on How to Think Funny, Write Funny, Act Funny, And Get Paid for It

Make yourself the funniest person in the room! You can learn the principles of comedy writing and transform your humorous gift into a lucrative career with Improv Comedy Techniques, 2nd edition. The Tricks have been helping young entertainers get an advantage over their peers for over a period. Mel Helitzer, dubbed the “funniest lecturer in the country” by Rolling Stone magazine, and comedian Mark Shatz throw in even more insight and guidance in this enlarged new version, including:

  • Trying to write humor helps to punch up your jokes
  • Additional information about writing for comedies and stand-up comedy
  • Techniques for comic thinking using connections and descriptions

Stand-up Comedy: Judy Carter

Everyone likes a clown, and whether you want to clown around at parties or make a living as a standup comedian, Judy Carter can teach you how to “do” comedy. This book covers aspects of comedy and writing that others do not; it is well worth adding to your library of “how-to” works on authoring and playing stand-up comedy. Judy Carter has a conservative approach toward stand-up. Still, the fundamentals and craftsmanship of pulling together a show are perfectly functional and immensely instructive, and the suggestions made by professionals are ones I will be preserving.

Final thoughts

The recommended books are not short or easy to read; containing dozens of exercises to help you produce material and discover what makes you funny. Bring pens and highlighters. Any comedian will feel more secure and assured in their goal after referring to these reads. Enjoy and learn with them!

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"The Unproposed Guy," a best-seller in romantic comedy and nominated in the humor category, written by top-rated author Bhavik Sarkhedi.


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