I don’t know why I am single
I am sweet and smart and even keep up with the new trends
I wear shirts now and even got some glasses
I even practice chivalry just to make friends
I put double the efforts in all my relationships
But seeing that I have been in nil
My love life has been effortless till now
Inspired from feminism , I let her pay the whole damn bill
I end every message with ‘Baby’
And can write a book on pickup lines
I have gone from Arjit to Drake
From beer to Sangria wines
I have been making a mix tape for years
Just to slow dance with my love one day
But somehow covering my swag with sanskaar
My conversations still haven’t moved past ‘Hey’
I am the guy who somehow ends up alone
Joey without his good looks, humour, umm basically everything
I only need a girl’s hand now
I already have the ring
I am the one whose most used tab is Tinder
The one who has memorised all the love quotes by heart
The one who always advises his friends on their relationships
But whose own love life is yet to start
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