The Unproposed Guy is a big fan of Game of Thrones. Well, recite it, recite it.

Enter into the world of chaos, the jungle of bizarre

Where combat is a religion, and ceasefire is cowardliness

Where killing is sacred, and birth is profane

Where layman are slaves, and dwarf is a leader

Where Vengeance is mandatory, and forgiveness is rare

Where slaughtering is holy, and freedom is just temporary

Where realm falls like cards, and cardholders are deceived

Where Ghosts are real, and fairytale is a myth

Where fear is death; but dead do awake

Where Sun shines no brighter, and moon is long-lasting

Where the old stories don’t repeat , and the new ones don’t cast

Where magic ain’t an illusion, and skinchanging is existing

Where angels don’t visit often; but witches sojourns frequent

Where fortune-telling is authentic, and satanism is undeniable

Where emotion isn’t a feeling, and hunger isn’t starving

Where wolves protect, and ravens assist

Where traitors are subtle; but loyalist is ignorant

Where eunuchs guide people, and shrewd manipulate

Where family feud is apparent, and illegitimacy is patronized

Where sex is just lust, and rape ain’t a crime

Where kindness kills; but wickedness saves

Where selfishness is for safety, and greed is not cupidity

Where one minute it’s love, and the other minute it’s hate

Where Butchery and massacre are tamed, and fortitude is handicapped

Where Money is not prosperity; but bloodshed is the measure of maturity

Where addiction is not considered bad habit, and dependency is worst

Where Fire can’t burn a dragon; but ice slays snow-men

Originally published here:

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- Written by CEO of Write Right


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