Single and Desperate are perhaps the two statuses’ that no one wants to associate themselves with. Often than not, we have been longing for someone whom we can share everything and anything without being judged and can expect them to offer their complete attention and love. It’s completely okay if you deny being part of this feeling today. Still, the day after tomorrow, when you are done with your daily work project, responding to every mail or WhatsApp group confirmation, and thinking of having a walk alone on the road maybe smoking up that only cigarette close to you. You might feel like something is missing, you feel alone, and in fear of losing some experience that is beautiful and wanting. Ladies who don’t fag might feel the same while cuddling their cat couple.

But that is how it is for anyone who hasn’t met someone yet. Do you know what exactly we are lacking here? A clarity! Clarity of our status that we want to ignore and are fighting against altogether.

No matter how disappointing we would be after being in a relationship, we surely want a taste of it. We live in hope, and we always want good experiences for us. But we often forget that a relationship is not just hopping onto a ship but also sailing it through all the highs and lows. But we are not going down that path today. We won’t talk much about relationship experiences with someone else but ourselves. We will talk about the importance of being single. We will see how beautiful it can be that won’t make anyone out there feel desperate about joining the other side of the party.

Talking about clarity, books will help you. We have developed five books that make you feel good about your single status and tell you why being desperate is not helpful at all. Let’s start with the newly launched manuscript first.


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1. The Unproposed Guy: Meet the Lame Loader Next Door

By Bhavik Sarkhedi and Suhana Bhambhani

If you are wondering what does an Unproposed Guy mean? For that, you need to check out the book yourself because that is the reason why we have put this as our first choice for you. Not just that, the fact two different genders author it makes it more relevant, unapologetically funny, honest and offers clarity. The book is entirely relatable to the youth today and can be assuring, offering a fresh glance at the perspective of today’s generation towards different aspects of life. It holds all sorts of emotions and doesn’t let you lose your interest until the last page.

The book title itself projects the main essence of struggle that a person experiences at the time of a single phase. It will help you when you are clueless about how to celebrate a single life unapologetically.  It reminds you that following your passion is what you can be best invested in at the time of your single phase. The book illuminates how you can find what truly drives you and invest your time and emotions into it. What best can you have if you are self-motivated and have a sheer will to pursue something when the odds are against you? The book introduces you to a character named Kevin who, against all the uncertainties, kept living his life with unconditional Love and innocence.

2. Everything I know About Love

By Dolly Alderton

We suggest this book to one who seem maybe lost, sad or disheartened. The book has the power to lift you from that space to have a new fresh start. The book helps you with a message of growing further and better as you experience life. Irrespective of what status you have right now, this book is highly relevant as it offers different life lessons by the author. It tells you how important you are to yourself when no one else is there for you. This book will help everyone, regardless of age, gender, or status. This memoir will feel like a friend talking to you as and when needed. Just pick up and start from anywhere.

3. Love Yourself as Your Life Depends on It

By Kamal Ravikant

We often hear about this phenomenon of Self Love, but most of us don’t really know what it means. The current generation lacks a sense of self-love and doesn’t see themselves as complete. As a result, they look outside for pleasure and happiness. This book’s author emphasises the importance of loving ourselves and to look inside only to get the best out of our lives. The book helps those who feel miserable or unmotivated and need to come back to life and become more assertive on their own.

4. How to Be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don’t

By Lane Moore

When we deal with people around us, we often don’t see where they belong; when two people join a relationship, their background impacts each other more than anything else. How the relationship would turn out largely depends on what an individual has to put into a relationship. This book by Lane Moore tells you everything about how relationships affect you differently. It will touch you through many thoughtful sessions as you read the book. It tells you that one has to be enough before thinking of putting effort into a relationship. Just like an empty glass can’t pour, it is the same with people. It helps you decide for yourself if you want to be alone or praise loneliness.

5.  Single on Purpose: Redefine Everything. Find Yourself First

By John Kim

The author of this book wants you to understand that the most important relationship you have and should be is with yourself. Irrespective of how many people you deal with, you deal with yourself daily and constantly. The youth today associate their happiness with others and rely most on the happenings they can’t control. As a result, if anything unwanted happens, they self-sabotage themselves and feel like everything ends, but it’s not that way. The book highlights the difference between being alone and being lonely. And that essentially turns out to be the result of our relationship with ourselves first. It takes you to a transforming process intending to find yourself first and know what you are and what you truly want. It motivates you that being single often means you have a great purpose.

We know not every reader will have enough patience to read every book we have mentioned, and we don’t want that. You don’t need to get desperate to buy and own all these books at once and make yourself overwhelmed without actually reading them. Our purpose is to help you clarify that being single is challenging yet full of opportunities. You don’t need to wait for someone else to fill the gaps; instead, you can use this time and space to explore yourself and figure out your perspective, goals, wants, and attitude towards life. And if anyone joins you while you enjoy life, see it as a bonus. Enjoy reading these while being single!

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