Beautiful Girl Single Life Unproposed Unproposed Girl Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love A Bumpy Auto-Ride [Updated] I had just come out of a relationship recently and had moved on with my life which brings me to this incident. So, talking about moving on I have been very much active on tinder these days. Right swiping every other pretty girl thrown at me and this snow balled into a Sunday date with Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Marriage Mr Imperfectionist Perfectionist Unproposed Unproposed Guy Mr. Imperfectionist by Bhavik Sarkhedi Have you ever been to your cousin’s wedding? That too a love marriage, which luckily turned into an arranged one, by the mercy of none other than the famous “maasi”? “Maasi, your son getting fortunate in love on ‘’ doesn’t imply that my perfect match is also waiting there for Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Beautiful Man Blog Love Unproposed Unproposed Guy The Beautiful (Yeah) Man by Bhavik Sarkhedi 29th April, 2010 (A Story of my Friend in my words) I am on the stage, all set, to perform the famous Tandav, on the auspicious occasion of International Dance Day, celebrated to rejoice the art called dance. Known for a very intimidating personality and high sexual appeal, I was that face of the un Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Dilemma Fiction Unproposed Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love The Dilemma [Funny Story] The People were grooving their bodies, ladies sweating out cosmetics, and gentlemen sweating out deodorants, while Flo Rida’s “club can’t handle me” was sounding good as I was unable to handle her beauty. Corona in one hand, and a dun-hill in the other, she was flirting her perfect curves in Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Crush Existentialism Love Love Story Relationships Dear Crush, I exist. Do you know? I scroll through your Facebook. I see your Instagram. The social media is all I can do to win that grand slam. I look at your pictures and then I look into the mirror. It’s sad to say that it all gets clearer when I go nearer. I look at her and the world around Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Hipster New Trends Refreshing Reincarnation Rejuvenation You don’t have to be necessarily influenced by the Hipster I didn’t want to be a part of this but my friend squashed me from the bed and, in the funky T-shirt and boxers I was wearing, he took me to ‘Happy Streets’, CG Road, Ahmedabad, a place about which I have been hearing so long but had find no guts to sojourn. Well, a Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Dating New Things Tinder Dates Tinder Hook Ups Things That You Must Avoid Doing On Your First Date Dating is fun, isn’t it? We all have been indulged into dating at some point in time for sure. Whether it is multiple dating or you wished to date single person at a time, the cringe and nervousness that you feel when you meet someone on an official date for the first time are quite Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Dating Mating Relationships Sex How Do You Really Know If You’re Falling in Love? There’s no question that the early stages of a relationship can be confusing. You might puzzle over your own feelings, and wonder what the person you’re dating really thinks of you. Your own emotions may be difficult to fully decipher, and trying to categorize them as falling in love o Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Google Unproposed Unproposed Girl Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love Ok Google, Who is an unproposed guy? I was reading a book recently. In that story, the book felt disowned and heartbroken. It’s the same old story, isn’t it? So, I thought to write something on it HE: Ok Google, What is the meaning of unproposed? Google: Unproposed is an antonym of the word ‘Proposed’. Here, thedefini Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Love Relationship Status Single Life Unproposed Unproposed Guy Things you shouldn’t do when you are in a relationship Spoiler alert Relationships are messy. Oh, you might already know that. I also know this, no not from my own experience but because of my observational power that is one of the best features of my personality, despite being funny ofcourse. My failure in the area of relationships has helped me in a w Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Life Lessons Relationship Status Single Life Unproposed Unproposed Guy I don’t know why I am single by Bhavik I don’t know why I am single I am sweet and smart and even keep up with the new trends I wear shirts now and even got some glasses I even practice chivalry just to make friends I put double the efforts in all my relationships But seeing that I have been in nil My Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Love Single Relationship Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love The day I met my ex by Bhavik Sarkhedi I was washing my clothes, forgot to separate the whites, thought how do I handle all this alone, started having a mid life crisis again. You know, the usual. When suddenly my notification went ‘Heyy’ in a sweet girl’s voice that meant I got a text message. Yes that’s my text notification but Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
kiss kissing Short Story Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love Kissed by The Light of Wisdom Alas! The hope was not to be. It was the twenty-second day my wife, my guiding star slipped into a comma. I was sitting beside her holding her hand. And then suddenly I hear irregular beeps from the monitor… “Beep… Beep…. BEEP!” I ran to get the doctor. I saw my wife slip away from Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Comedy Humor Laughter Love Unproposed Unproposed Love A Short Story of Laughuck and Sadick by Bhavik Once upon a time in the dark world, there was a devil called ‘Sadick’. He was all red and scary. People of different colors were afraid of him. He was the ruler. He was a nasty bastard. He was selfish. He was that stereotypical villain — the bad guy. Then, one bright day in the Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Fiction Rejection Celebration Unproposed Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love Celebrating 10 Years of Sweet Rejections by Bhavik Sarkhedi August 29, 2008 — It all started on this day, the falling apart Sneha her name was — my school crush. Hormones playing its part. My first adrenaline rush. Those days — Maturity and Puberty were no art. Without thinking too much, to her I gave my innocent & decent pumping heart. While falli Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Blurryface Short Story Unproposed My Name’s BlurryFace [Updated] With her the lines were blurred I can hold her hand but I can’t kiss her cheeks She laughed with me She cried on my shoulder But my tears were not for her to see She talked with me all night long She called and I picked Even when my heart was racing just by Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Lonely Guy Love Unproposed Guy Unproposed Love Soon it all ends [Updated] They say journey is more important than destination But those who have to walk alone seldom see the beauty in long roads Not having someone by your side dulls the colour which otherwise are vibrant How someone by their own will understand the beauty You always need the glasses with love as filter to Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Comedy Humor Standup Laughuck vs Saddick — The Conversation by Unproposed Guy Laughuck: I hate parlour aunties. I come to you for help and this is what you give me? Sarcasm? I have enough of that on the Internet. Saddick: oh they are the worst. If i wanted someone to tell me how bad i looked i wouldn’t have blocked the asshole who did not take rejection Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Comedy Conversation Standup Weddings The ‘Posh — Poor ‘ Conversation by Bhavik Sarkhedi Poor: Did you hear about Isha Ambani’s wedding? Oh so extravagant.” Posh: oh yes. I hate this money- mindedness in traditions. He even got Beyonce to perform and Amitabh and Amir as waiters?! Poor: looked like the after effects of ‘Thogs of Hindustan’ to me. Posh: haha that is true. Someone Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Comedy Humor Sarcastic Standup Riya vs Rahul Conversation [Updated] Rahul: Did you watch the new episode of Koffee with Karan? Riya: Oh yes. I love the show. I wish i could be there as a contestant. Rahul: come to my house. My aunt would ask you so many questions that you’ll have your Rapid fire debut right there. Riya: Haha. And i can play Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Love Creative Cushion by Bhavik Sarkhedi Like others, I don’t want to turn back time But I wish I could fast forward the time SO i could see me with you in the right time And I finally see what I have every dreamt of I might be polite but passionate I may fall but Don’t mind I have a cushion Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi
Love Story Short Story A story from the past [Unproposed Story] I don’t know — maybe, few years back, when I was amateur (in writing and life), I wrote THIS. “I saw this most beautiful woman today. She was sitting quietly reading. I was perplexed because she was alone and no bees wandering around her but hey it’s library dude. Okay then, you too try to Written by Bhavik Sarkhedi